Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend

Sad to say but Gary and I both pretty much forgot about Easter weekend. Quagmire spent Friday and most of Saturday hospitalized at his vet. They were however closed for Easter Sunday so they sent him home Saturday afternoon with all sorts of medicines we had to administer via shots under his skin as well as sub q fluids. We spent all Saturday evening and Sunday faithfully giving him his medicines. There was one he had to take orally which in my opinion was the worst one of all. He patiently took them all only fighting on the oral ones. He was allowed a few tablespoons of water every few hours and if he threw them up we had to wait 12 more hours to try again.
We were supposed to be feeding him small amounts of food but he had NO desire to eat at all so this morning we packed him back up and went to the vet for a re-check.
They decided that since he's still not eating and dehydrated that they wanted to keep him another 24 hours.
I spoke to his vet shortly after they closed. She said that he had only thrown up once early in the morning and that he was being spoon fed and although he didn't LIKE it per say he stopped fighting them.
Good news is that if he's eating and drinking by morning without vomiting Gary and I can bring him home and continue treatment at home.
She did mention that he was sneezing blood but that it had stopped by evening. She thinks his nasal cavities are just dried out from being dehydrated and all the medications that he is on.
Bad news? We have no idea how we're going to pay his vet bill in the morning.
So far we're up to $1360 and that's with the vet giving us a lot of freebies and a 10% military discount.
We owe them another $471 in the morning.
What we're asking for is lots of prayers for his health and that we can pull this off.

Since so many people have asked for this link I'm posting it here.
Love you guys!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Everything will work out in the end, Rachel. It's a tough go right now, but Quagmire seems to be on the mend, so it's just a matter of time...

I truly hope others find it in their hearts to donate.
He's your baby and a member of the family... I haven't seen a worthier cause in quite some time.

Love you guys!

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